by Patients
Dr. Amit Kapoor
Dr.Amit Kapoor is a highly skilled dental surgeon who is rated very high in the circle of dental professionalism.
With best compliments from,
Pratap Singh, DIG,CISF.
Being conscious of my oral hygiene and having intensely felt the relation between my personal aesthetics and the dental health, I also felt the need to have a Competent dentist with state-of-the –art infra-structure available for periodic checkups ever since I landed in Delhi for my service and professional compulsions.
Dr. Amit Kapur did on me RCT, Crowning and scaling. Even my spouse was treated for different correctives. We found him responsive, deft-handed, sharp and even innovative. We've consulted dentists before but his is a blend of art, aesthetics and dentistry.
We wish him good luck & long life.
F.Sheheryar, (IBS)
Dy. Director General
I am Rekha Rawani, working with the Hindu Newspaper. I had major problems like bleeding gums, tooth decay and uneven tooth, due to which I felt I will never be able to have a beaugiful smile. But this proved wrong once I visited Dr. Kapoor's Dental Clinic at Lajpat Nagar. My tooth have been saved through painless root canal treatment, and my uneven teeth have been aligned through modern techniques available here. Thanks to Dr. Kapoor, I can now look forward to a bright future with lot of confidence.
Rekha Rawani
Hindu Newspaper
New Delhi
My name is Pooja Vedi. I am a software engineer. I have had very badly aligned teeth since childhood. Around 3 years ago, I came to Dr. Amit Kapoor for teeth alignment. Within 1 year, I had such nicely aligned teeth that all the people around me were to impressed and amazed with the wonder that Dr. Kapoor did to me.
Pooja Vedi
New Jersey
Dear Dr. Amit Kapoor,
It gives me immense pleasure to contribute in my own small way to the making of your proposed website that, I have reason to believe, will be very informative and pretty useful to prospective users. Over the last couple of years my 17 year old son, Aneeket and 12 year old daughter, Vertikka have both been under your care for their rather delicate dental complaints. And I must say, your state-of-the art techniques together with your ever caring attitude has seen to it that they are through with the least inconvenience. And what I have admired the most is your spiritual leanings that have helped you to 'see God' in your patients on the one hand and be least money minded on the other : qualities that don't come easily to dentists in our conditions.
Wishing you grand success in your new ventures.
Deepak Kashyap
Member/ Planning
Rail Land Development Authority
